Are we always looking to be surrounded by nice people
And avoid those that we find awkward or difficult?
Then take a look at Jesus -
He lived in relationship with a motley group of people -
They argued amongst themselves, they didn't understand His teachings,
One was a cheat and a thief, another was arrogant etc
They weren't an easy group of people but .......
They were a chosen people, chosen by God - for His purposes
And Jesus was faithful to them, walked with them, worked with them
And taught them
God isn't looking for us to be comfortable with an easy people group
But He is looking for us to outwork His purposes as He puts people around us
Get God's perspective on the people and help them to grow into their maturity
Let difficult people bring out the best in you, not the worst - the choice is yours
Let difficult people enlarge you - not make you small-minded, resentful or offended