Can you smell the colour 9?

Just a reminder as to why I call my blog

Can you smell the colour 9?

It’s not rational;   it’s not reasonable

and it doesn’t make sense

But ……Can you smell the colour 9?

It’s out there beyond our understanding.

But…… as it stirs my spirit,

as it causes me to cry out “Yes!”

then I know that if God wants me to,

I will…

….... smell the colour 9

for all things are possible with God.

And as I say “Yes” to that statement,

I believe I open myself up to hear

whatever God would want to speak to me.

I don’t have to understand it with my mind.

It doesn’t have to make sense to me today.

But I want to connect with God’s wisdom;

God’s knowledge; and God’s understanding

I want to catch the wisdom of God in my spirit.

Not to reduce it to the confines of my mind

but to break out from the mind of man

and to explore things I haven’t even contemplated;

things I never knew even existed.

For God’s thoughts are far out there

And that's where I want to be
