Don't look at your situation with eyes of the flesh
Don't put your own expectations onto what God might do
Don't put your own expectations onto when God might do something
That's not trust, that's not faith, that's not waiting for God
Consider the impossible situations in the Bible -
Like Peter when he was in prison and chained to the prison guard
And yet God brought him out miraculously
Consider the Israelites when they were slaves in Egypt crushed and pressed down by heavy labour but God set them free and blessed them with the silver, gold and rich clothing of their Egyptian neighbours
They could never have done that for themselves
And consider Joseph who suffered injustice and imprisonment etc at the hands of others and yet God brought him out of prison at just the right time to fulfil the destiny that God had pot upon him.
Life is not about a comfortable ride with an easy pathway, as we sometimes expect but it's about God outworking His Kingdom purposes through us.
It's about outworking our God-given destiny
So look at all life's challenges and situations through that lens and see what God is doing in you and through you