Reflection 3

 And - sometimes God says to us  - Thus far and no further

Where we are walking with God, 
what He is showing us, 
what He is involving us in
we sometimes get so caught up with it, 
and enjoy it so much that we get carried away 
and want to go beyond what God is doing or saying
As with Peter on a number of occasions, 
especially on the Mount of Transfiguration - Matthew 17:4 - 
Peter wasn't satisfied with being involved in that experience 
but from his fleshly nature he says - If you wish I will put up three shelters!! - 
He wanted to keep the experience going beyond what God was giving.
And as with Moses in Numbers 20 - for a second time in their journey
there was no water for the people
And God said to Moses - Speak to the rock and it will pour out water
But ........ Moses decided to do more than God said
He struck the rock with his staff like he had done the first time
He had gone beyond what God had said and acted from the flesh
As a result God told him that because of this action
he would not be taking the people into the promised land
And if we read further we know that Moses died
And Joshua led the people into the land.

So be aware - Thus far and no further  - in the timings and actions with God.
