God's freedom for us

 Whilst going through the wilderness in the time of Moses the Israelites remembered the old order of living in Egypt even though it was slavery and their life was harsh and cruel. 
They preferred that hard life to the unknown journey to the Promised Land.
They liked what they knew even though it was harsh.
They were comfortable with the familiar and they feared the unknown when Moses promised them freedom.
People felt safe with clear instructions and laws, rules and doctrines.
And it's the same today
God is calling us to leave the man-centred church to enter His Kingdom.
But people feel more comfortable to live within the confines of a church system rather than with the faith and freedom to live and walk by the life from the Spirit.

1700yrs ago Emperor Constantine ambushed the church and changed it to become something which was built on a different foundation to the one established by Jesus.
He passed a law which forbade people meeting in their homes and said they had to use the temples that had been built for the worship of his many gods.   He appointed priests of his choosing to teach the people. These priests appointed leaders, they controlled what was taught, they controlled the practices within the Church and the people remained spiritual babies.

1700yrs later people are still building on this wrong foundation.

There might be good works, good times of worship, good teaching but if it's on a wrong foundation of man's control then in the last days will count for nothing.
God is building His kingdom in which we are all priests and He wants us to step into that freedom in the same way that Moses wanted the Israelites to go to a place of freedom and blessing in his day.

Jesus said - I have come to proclaim freedom for the prisoners, recovery of sight for the blind and to release the oppressed
Not in a physical way but in a spiritual way.
Jesus has gained it for us but we have to appropriate it and take hold of all that He offers.
He doesn't fail us - we fail ourselves
