Having said we would consider how we respond to a word or a promise from God we have been looking at different people in the Bible and how they responded to a word they received and whether their response was good or not and seeing that there is no method or formula for this

Abraham tried by his own effort to make God 's promise happen.

Noah had to get involved and make it happen even though he didn't understand it with his mind

Mary and Joseph had to accept the word with faith and be willing to suffer the shame that came with it

So finally let us consider Jonah - a well known person
but how did he respond to the word God gave him.
Tell the people of Nineveh I have seen their wickedness and I will destroy them unless they repent and change their ways
Jonah lacked grace, mercy and compassion and didn't like this word so he disobeyed God and travelled in the opposite direction
But God's word was important and Jonah was the man to deliver it
And God got his attention when he was shipwrecked and in the belly of the fish for three days
And ...... although he did deliver the word as instructed his attitude and character didn't change because when he saw the people of Nineveh repent and change Jonah became very angry with God because of His grace and mercy.
So even when there is a bad response from the prophet God's purposes are still outworked
Isaiah 55:11 said
so is my word that goes out from my mouth:
    It will not return to me empty,
but will accomplish what I desire
    and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.

So we see from all these examples that there is no pattern or formula as to how we respond to a word from a promise from God.
Each time we need to know from Him whether we wait with patience to see it come to pass, as with Abraham, or whether having heard the word we now have to take action and get involved as with Noah.

