When an unborn baby is enclosed in the womb 
the knowledge, expectation and experience of life is nil.
And yet ......  within minutes as it emerges into the world through birth it enters into a whole new experience and an expression of existence beyond it's comprehension.
A loving family, a world of beauty and colour, sound and light, creation in all it's forms 

So consider ...... it's like that for us even now.  We are like the unborn baby as we live in this world.
We think it is so vast, has so much to offer and it consumes our thinking yet it's nothing compared to our eternal destiny.
By the same comparison as the emptiness of the womb so is the content and busyness of this world
This world is nothing compared to the vastness and content of the world we will inhabit beyond death.
Ask God to open your spiritual eyes to see some of the things that He has prepared for us

For it says in 1 Corinthians 2 v 9
No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived 
what God has prepared for those who love Him
BUT .... God has revealed it to us by His Spirit!!
