But ...... do we do the things that God has purposed for us or do we have our own plans for life?
Psalm 139 v 16 says -
Your eyes saw my unformed body;
all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.
Yes! He had a purpose and a plan for us even before we were born. He wants to use us to outwork His Kingdom purposes on earth - just as Jesus outworked the purpose He was sent for.
But do we look to God to daily know His plans and purposes for us or do we just get on living with our own plans and only seek God for the big decisions in life.
Psalm 139 tells us that even before we were born God had written a book for our life - page by page His plans were written and yet so many of us have written our own book - planned our own life and so we are not doing those things that God had purposed for us. Those things that outwork His plans for His kingdom on earth.
So - shut the book that you have been writing and read the book that God had written and live out the purposes that He has for you.
Then we will see "His will being done on earth as it is in heaven"
We will see God's people demonstrating a Kingdom lifestyle to the world.