Silence isn't empty it makes space for God
Silence is empty of ourselves but full of God if we know how to listen
The task of explaing silence itself is inherently impossible.
Silence can only speak for itself: not through words, but through experience.
If we want to hear God's voice we need to silence our own voice, and silence our thoughts.
Our thoughts can be so loud and overpowering that we miss the whisper of God's voice.
We need to take time to sit in silence before God and hear what He has to say
It is His "word" and His "voice" that will unlock the things we are struggling with
Quote - I had become accustomed to the noise of our busy household, the noise of my office and the noise in my mind telling me all of things I had to do each day. But as I look back, I see that some of the most powerful experiences I have had in my faith were in the moments of silence.
Doing things makes us feel like we are in control, but instead of doing things we should take time to listen to God’s voice in the silence.
He spoke to the "wise men" in the silence of the skies.
Among the million stars they could see one small star "spoke" a silent message to them
And because they listened and obeyed they were priveleged to see the Messiah
What have you missed out on because you don't listen to His voice, don't see His silent messages