We say that we live "by faith" but what does that really mean?
If money or cash is the currency of the world
Then faith is the currency of the Kingdom
It is not some nebulous thing with no substance or meaning
But it is the foundation of our being in God
Faith ...... is the bridge that takes us from where we are now
..... to where God wants us to be next
Faith ....... is seeing things from God's perspective
Faith ......... is seeing light with your heart
.............. when all your eyes see is darkness
Faith is taking the first step ....... when you can't see the whole journey
Faith in God includes faith in His timing
Faith moves mountains .......... doubt or fear creates them
Faith is trusting God even when you don't understand His plan
If money or cash is the currency of the world
Then faith is the currency of the Kingdom
It is not some nebulous thing with no substance or meaning
But it is the foundation of our being in God
..... to where God wants us to be next
Faith ....... is seeing things from God's perspective
Faith ......... is seeing light with your heart
.............. when all your eyes see is darkness
Faith is taking the first step ....... when you can't see the whole journey
Faith in God includes faith in His timing
Faith moves mountains .......... doubt or fear creates them
Faith is trusting God even when you don't understand His plan