We can often miss out on good things from God because they don't come as expected
In the time of Moses the tabernacle looked like a dull insignificant item because outwardly it was covered with animal skins
And yet it was full of all sorts of earthly treasures and housed the very presence of God
So I am provoked to keep my eyes and ears open for unlikely sources of seeing God's treasures and gems into my life
Things I would normally disregard as worthless and yet in God they carry great value
How often do we miss a means of God's grace to us because we reject the packaging in which it comes
How many people do we disregard or brush aside because they do not fit the right image for me
Did Naaman really want to be told by a young servant girl where he could find his healing from leprosy?
He certainly didn't want to immerse himself in the dirty River Jordan as the prophet told him to
He much preferred the clean rivers in his own country
But his healing wasn't to be found where he wanted it
It was the River Jordan or nothing
How often do we reject what God sends our way
How often do we reject people that God brings to us
Because they don't meet our expectation
Or we don't like the packaging?
Keep your spiritual eyes open and be ready to receive all that comes from God
If you only stop for what meets with your approval you may be in danger of missing that which has true supernatural substance
In the time of Moses the tabernacle looked like a dull insignificant item because outwardly it was covered with animal skins
And yet it was full of all sorts of earthly treasures and housed the very presence of God
So I am provoked to keep my eyes and ears open for unlikely sources of seeing God's treasures and gems into my life
Things I would normally disregard as worthless and yet in God they carry great value
How often do we miss a means of God's grace to us because we reject the packaging in which it comes
How many people do we disregard or brush aside because they do not fit the right image for me
Did Naaman really want to be told by a young servant girl where he could find his healing from leprosy?
He certainly didn't want to immerse himself in the dirty River Jordan as the prophet told him to
He much preferred the clean rivers in his own country
But his healing wasn't to be found where he wanted it
It was the River Jordan or nothing
How often do we reject what God sends our way
How often do we reject people that God brings to us
Because they don't meet our expectation
Or we don't like the packaging?
Keep your spiritual eyes open and be ready to receive all that comes from God
If you only stop for what meets with your approval you may be in danger of missing that which has true supernatural substance