When Jesus told Peter to go catch some fish in the daytime
It was outside of his experience
Fish were caught at night !!
It was contrary to his experience
But…… he had a new experience
How often do we see or hear of Jesus doing things
that don’t fit with our experience so far?
How often does He call us into things
that don’t make sense?
He wants to break our mindsets; our logic;
our walking in our own understanding
He wants us to walk in faith
To walk in His understanding
With eyes that see beyond the natural
And with eyes of faith see what is happening
in the spiritual
in the heavenlies
It was outside of his experience
Fish were caught at night !!
It was contrary to his experience
But…… he had a new experience
How often do we see or hear of Jesus doing things
that don’t fit with our experience so far?
How often does He call us into things
that don’t make sense?
He wants to break our mindsets; our logic;
our walking in our own understanding
He wants us to walk in faith
To walk in His understanding
With eyes that see beyond the natural
And with eyes of faith see what is happening
in the spiritual
in the heavenlies