Speak to me

Speak in ways I don't expect
In ways that I've not known before
An expression or manifestation
of life or truth or word
Enlarge my capacity for receiving
Extend my expectation
That I might touch You
I might find You
In unexpected ways and in surprising places
Enlarge; extend and go beyond
The realms, so small, that I have known
And let the journey take me
far beyond where I've been before
Not to follow a well-worn track
Revisiting tried and tested ways
But making the first footsteps in virgin snow
Fresh footprints in the unblemished sand
Pioneering, moving forward
Exploring and discovering
Landscapes and vistas that You, O Lord,
have specially sourced for me
Stir the anticipation
Arise the expectation
And tread new ground, ride new waves
And be satisfied with nothing less
