We all have difficult people in our lives
Those we struggle with for all manner of different reasons
But - how do I let them influence my life ??
The choice is always mine
I can let the situation be a trigger point
to launch me deeper into my relationship with Jesus
and be involved in the shaping of making me more like Him
or I can let them be a negative factor
and let them hold me back in my growth
But - the choice is always mine
I can't blame them for my bad reactions and responses
The choice is always mine
Those we struggle with for all manner of different reasons
But - how do I let them influence my life ??
The choice is always mine
I can let the situation be a trigger point
to launch me deeper into my relationship with Jesus
and be involved in the shaping of making me more like Him
or I can let them be a negative factor
and let them hold me back in my growth
But - the choice is always mine
I can't blame them for my bad reactions and responses
The choice is always mine