
Changes & Choices

Church or Kingdom?

Relationship or requests ?

The 2½ Tribes

Awesome Travel

Know Your Pathway

Chill out and rest

Prayer – a labour or a pleasure ?


The Landscape of Prayer

Abide & Be

Know your Place

My Journey Through Life

Reality or dreams

A New Season

Word or Circumstances

Relax into the moment

Buy the Book !!

Live Contrary to your Experience

Don't despise the day of small things

Break open your word

Conversations with Yahweh

Can you smell the colour 9

Living Free

The Mystery in Him

Unspoken words from God

Today's strength

yokes of bondage

Reflections; shadows and echoes

Know your destiny

Message in the sky

Head or heart

Where are you walking?


A letter on its own

Position is important

Reference Points

Thoughts from a friend

Another question

All you need

One snowflake

What would it be like without Him?

Speak to me

God speaks

Old truth or living Word

How am I living

It's my choice

Your Journey with God