Where we seek to understand God
we bring Him down to our size
and that is no God at all !!
We need to reach out to touch & know & explore
to go further than we've gone before
but not bring Him down to our size !!
If you seek to bring Him down
rather than reach out and extend your capacity
you will never begin to touch the richness
and the fullness of all that He is
Always seeking to contain Him & to hold Him
is not the way forward
Even when Jesus was here as a man
He was always slipping through their grasp
and leaving them confused & questioning
We hold Him in our spirit - not our understanding
We need, instead, to open up our whole being to receive
If we always seek to question, rationalise, reason & understand
we won't be as rich as the one who just receives
and lets it grow and develop by the hand of God
Hold Him in your spirit
Don't limit His capacity
continually extend your capacity to receive