Don't be limited by the restrictions of the natural world
But let your belief and expectation be rooted in the nature of God
Who can make a universe out of nothing
Who sends 300 men against 3,000 and more
Who heals on the Sabbath
and who breaks the chains of death
He still wants to do the unbelievable & unexpected
in people's lives today
but we so often say "No thank you"
when it doesn't fit our mindset
our logic or our rational thinking
So - can you smell the colour nine ??
or will your logic even refuse to consider the possibility
But let your belief and expectation be rooted in the nature of God
Who can make a universe out of nothing
Who sends 300 men against 3,000 and more
Who heals on the Sabbath
and who breaks the chains of death
He still wants to do the unbelievable & unexpected
in people's lives today
but we so often say "No thank you"
when it doesn't fit our mindset
our logic or our rational thinking
So - can you smell the colour nine ??
or will your logic even refuse to consider the possibility