Know the God you relate to
Listen to His voice
so that you can speak His life to others & encourage them
having been first encouraged yourself
Be strong, be confident in your God
Let your trust & security be in Him
so that you will not be unsettled by circumstances
Look to Him in all that you do
Look to Him as every situation assails you and see it from His perspective
see it from an eternal perspective
see it with eyes of faith
see it in the largeness of God
and not the narrowness of your own thinking
or the narrowness of your own experience
But as you increasingly align your days with Him
then you will know the narrowness of your experience
and the narrowness of your thinking
enlarging and extending in the largeness of God
Jesus says in John 8 in The Message Bible
You decide according to what you can see and touch
I don't make judgements like that
But even if I did, my judgement would be true because
I wouldn't make it out of the narrowness of my experience
but in the largeness of the One who sent Me
and later in the same chapter He says
You're tied down to the mundane
I'm in touch with what is beyond your horizons
You live in terms of what you see and touch
I'm living on other terms