In John8 again Jesus says -
You're tied down to the mundane.
I'm in touch with what is beyond your horizons.
You live in terms of what you can see and touch.
I'm living on other terms
Can He lay that accusation at my door ?
Can He lay it at your door ?
Is the physical superior to the spiritual world?
Whatever we might think or feel
the truth is ....
that the spiritual is superior to the physical
and whether from darkness or from light
the spiritual world influences the physical world
It is the eyes of faith that let us see into the spiritual world
which is why Paul prays for the Ephesians that
the eyes of their hearts would be enlightened
that they might see more sharply the reality of the spiritual things
It should be our constant prayer that the eyes of our heart would be enlightened without eyes of faith we are tied down to the mundane
bu with eyes of faith we see beyond the natural horizons
to the works of God in the heavenlies
and that is what will strengthen our hearts in these times
You're tied down to the mundane.
I'm in touch with what is beyond your horizons.
You live in terms of what you can see and touch.
I'm living on other terms
Can He lay that accusation at my door ?
Can He lay it at your door ?
Is the physical superior to the spiritual world?
Whatever we might think or feel
the truth is ....
that the spiritual is superior to the physical
and whether from darkness or from light
the spiritual world influences the physical world
It is the eyes of faith that let us see into the spiritual world
which is why Paul prays for the Ephesians that
the eyes of their hearts would be enlightened
that they might see more sharply the reality of the spiritual things
It should be our constant prayer that the eyes of our heart would be enlightened without eyes of faith we are tied down to the mundane
bu with eyes of faith we see beyond the natural horizons
to the works of God in the heavenlies
and that is what will strengthen our hearts in these times