The world's values influence us every day from a very young age, without us even being aware of it. They so naturally become a part of us that if we want to live by kingdom values we have to make a conscious choice to do so until they are worked into the very fabric of our being.
Living by kingdom values always involves a sacrifice of self for the sake of others and is the outworking of taking up our cross daily.
We so easily say "Yes" to them in principle and then don't follow through in practice because it hurts the flesh.
We seek to justify ourselves and say - but ...... this is different - but it's not - it's just our flesh squirming!!
For example - We lend something out and don't get it back or it comes back trashed - kingdom values says - it's OK !!!
We offer to help in a situation or to serve in some way and then we are asked to do more than we originally offered and it's going to cut into our own time and it seems unreasonable - kingdom values says - it's OK !!!
We are offended or hurt by someone else's actions or words against us - we want to seek revenge or satisfaction - but kingdom values offers unconditional forgiveness !!!
We suffer an injustice and would seek to have it put right - kingdom values takes it with good grace and lets it go !!
And where do I get all these challenging values from - well it's all in
Matthew 5 and Luke 6 - you know - "The Sermon on the Mount"
Did Jesus say it just to tickle our ears or did He mean us to live that way - as He did !!
Will we choose to walk the lowly path of injustice and serving others sacrificially, believing that it is the better way - from an eternal perspective - or when it raises its head in our daily situation will we sow into the ways of the world and reap the harvest it brings.
Gal 6 v 8 says - those who sow to please the Spirit will reap eternal life - I think that's the harvest I prefer to have - don't you ??
Invest into your eternal inheritance and know that the treasure that is building up there is free from economic downturns !!
Living by kingdom values always involves a sacrifice of self for the sake of others and is the outworking of taking up our cross daily.
We so easily say "Yes" to them in principle and then don't follow through in practice because it hurts the flesh.
We seek to justify ourselves and say - but ...... this is different - but it's not - it's just our flesh squirming!!
For example - We lend something out and don't get it back or it comes back trashed - kingdom values says - it's OK !!!
We offer to help in a situation or to serve in some way and then we are asked to do more than we originally offered and it's going to cut into our own time and it seems unreasonable - kingdom values says - it's OK !!!
We are offended or hurt by someone else's actions or words against us - we want to seek revenge or satisfaction - but kingdom values offers unconditional forgiveness !!!
We suffer an injustice and would seek to have it put right - kingdom values takes it with good grace and lets it go !!
And where do I get all these challenging values from - well it's all in
Matthew 5 and Luke 6 - you know - "The Sermon on the Mount"
Did Jesus say it just to tickle our ears or did He mean us to live that way - as He did !!
Will we choose to walk the lowly path of injustice and serving others sacrificially, believing that it is the better way - from an eternal perspective - or when it raises its head in our daily situation will we sow into the ways of the world and reap the harvest it brings.
Gal 6 v 8 says - those who sow to please the Spirit will reap eternal life - I think that's the harvest I prefer to have - don't you ??
Invest into your eternal inheritance and know that the treasure that is building up there is free from economic downturns !!