Are you tired, weary, worn out and stressed ??
Maybe - like we considered yesterday - you are running with your own programme and your own agenda as well as His
and - hey - that's too much !!
I'm sure He gives us strength to do those things He requires us to do
sufficient and enough to see things through
But when we move to our agenda - then .....
we're on our own - self effort - not enough strength
It even has significance for our mind -
think about those things He wants you to think about -
whatsoever is good, honourable right etc as in Philippians 4
and you're OK
but start thinking/worrying about other things
and we move into our own agenda again
and that's often - worrying and anxious thoughts
and we should have given those concerns to Him
Trusted Him to work things out
Trusted - not hoped
So consider the situation - if it all seems too much
not enough time or energy - ask yourself the question
What am I carrying or seeking to do that is my own programme or agenda
Choose to prune your lifestyle until it only runs with His purposes
Then you will know peace in your heart and stillness in your soul
Remind yourself regularly to
Be still - and know that I am God
He is God and He can do all things better than us
Don't interfere in what He is trying to do
He is more than capable !! so bow out gracefully and have a rest