God will meet you anywhere

Leaving church topics for the moment - let me share the beauty of my Sunday mornings with you

They are an oasis of peace; reflection; stillness and quiet in the busyness of an ordinary week.
A time to fellowship with God and sit with Him
A time when jewels are dug out from the depths of His being
Revelation is received
A deep long drink is taken from the river of life
and there is feasting from His table
The fellowship is rich; vibrant and satisfying
Filling me with rich things that I can pour into the lives of others
throughout the week
by .....
fellowshipping with others one-to-one
sending out and scattering the word in letters in the post
"blogging" and E Mailing & so much more
Precious times which I hate to give up unless it is really necessary
However these times of oasis are usually found in a quiet room
with my bibles and journal around
And yet ......
as I took an extra half hour in bed needing physical rest and refreshment
God met with me even there
as I mused and meditated on the things He has been showing me
I felt the spirit stirring within me
I felt as if I was srrounded by a golden glow
as if His glory was resting upon me
and even before I had gone to my chosen place of fellowship
He had come to meet with me - just where I was
and my heart was touched by my ever-loving Father
He is awesome and I love Him
