21st Century church Part 3

I believe God wants a people who expect the unexpected;
who see wine where others only see water;
who see provision for 5,000 where others see only enough for one
A people who know the water of life where others only know the water from the well
A people who hear God
A people who see God in the ordinary things of life
Like Elijah who heard the sound of heavy rain and believed God for the rain that would end the drought
& sent his servant, 7 times, to look for that cloud that would bring the rain
& not until the 7th time did the servant see a cloud just the size of a man's fist
but Elijah kept sending him
because he had heard the sound in his spirit
and he believed God
Or like Elisha who had eyes to see God's power
for when he was surrounded by a great army he had no fear
because greater than that he saw God's army camped aroud them
and he prayed that the eyes of his servant would be opened
to see the same thing
so that he would move out of fear and into faith
We need to have ears that hear the sounds of God
and believe
Who see things from God
& hold onto them until they come into being
& to expect the unexpected
because God is going to do new & powerful things in our time
Don't be like the Jews - who had Jesus living amongst them
& yet they never knew Him
Who continued with their temple worship
not knowing that the One that they worshipped was walking outside
They believed in their heads for they were taught it regularly
but they didn't recognise it with their hearts.
Don't be so rigid in your thinking
& so fixed in what you believe in your minds
that you miss what God is doing in these time & these places
Pray for the spirit of revelation
so that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened
to see and be involved in all that God is doing today & in the future
and be a people who expect the unexpected !!
For He is a God - consistent in who He is
but unpredictable in what He will do
