A timely thought for lockdown seasons - don't let it be a wasted time,
God has a purpose for each of us during this pandemic
So don't miss what He is wanting to do in your life
God has a purpose for each of us during this pandemic
So don't miss what He is wanting to do in your life
God often
comes to deal with us when we are alone
So don’t try
to escape from those seasons
But instead look
for God’s dealings with you in those times
Don’t miss
what He wants to do with you - alone
Even if, like
Jacob, your life is out-of-joint ever after
If God has
touched you, your life will be enriched
He wants us
to overcome and gain a victory
through those
times of challenge
so ……… press on through, stick with it
until you get
that breakthrough
And when you
gain what you struggled for
continue to
live in the fullness of that freedom