God's Word never changes!  But it does change us!  If we obey, if we are willing!

Jesus says in Matthew 7:24  -  He who hears my word and puts them into practice will build a strong foundation in his life.  But the one who hears my word and doesn't put them into practice is foolish and his life will have a weak foundation

So - what is in His word?  -  Be kind, show mercy, forgive those who offend you, pray a blessing on those who have done you harm, love one another  -  the list continues as we read His book.                           But do we just consider the nice words that say  -  I am your Father and I love you,  I will bless you,     I will provide for you  -  and ignore the words that show what God requires from us?

Let God's word change you and become the person He created you to be.
