God loves me

God loves me  -  Not because of who I am  -   Or what I do  -    Or how pleasing I am to Him
He loves me   ……   Because of who He is
So His love is strong, dependable and faithful   -   Dependent only on His nature
Not on any of me   -    How reassuring is that !!!
So ……  do we view all our situations in the light of the fact that ……..God loves me
Do we say in tough times ……  How is God’s love for me seen in this situation?
Or ……When things go wrong is our first response to question God ?
What we should really question is ……our mis-understanding
Mis-understanding means …..We’ve missed the understanding ……  from His perspective
We so easily forget that our understanding  is flawed   -   by the flesh or our minds
and that God’s understanding is powered   -  by faith
The disciples were mis-understanding on many occasions  - like the death of Lazarus
But …… it’s like looking at a message in code
It doesn’t make sense, it has no message
But …… if we can decipher the code it is often very simple
although sometimes there may be several layers to the code
Faith is what deciphers the code in the situations we go through

When we look at things from the mind & not the spirit
things so easily seem tough, threatening overwhelming etc
and rather than seek to understand or decode with the spirit
we mis-understand
We’ve missed the understanding ……  from His perspective
we might shout at the One who we believe sent the situation
What are You doing to me?
This makes no sense at all !!
When all that He wants us to do is to draw close and see the situation from His perspective
Consider  -  o kuti xua  -  it makes no sense at all
but with a simple code
 replacing each vowel with the previous vowel
so an ‘e’ becomes ‘a’ and an 'i' becomes an 'e' etc
 replacing each consonant with the consonant following … so  ‘b’  becomes  ‘c’
then the message is simple – it says  I love you
What looked like nonsense just needed a different perspective 
of knowing the code
And that is God’s heart in everything we go through
He loves us and we should look at every challenge from that perspective
So …… don’t get angry at Him………Ask the question
How is God’s love for me seen in this trial ?
That’s what we really need to know
