Leaders and the Law were an integral part of life in the Old Testament
But Jesus died and brought in a new covenant
He brought us into freedom from the Law
and freedom from leaders
for as it says in 1 Peter 2 vs 5 & 9 we are all priests in His Kingdom
Each one is a priest and there is not a big place for leaders
And having brought us into freedom
Paul in Galatians 5 v 1 encourages us -
Do not be entangled again in a yoke of bondage
But..... like the children of Israel in the Old Testament
who so easily and so often forgot God and His miracles
turning to foreign gods and man-made idols
So in the New Testament the apostles and believers so quickly forgot
the freedom Jesus had won for them
They introduced church leaders
They discussed and disagreed over the issue of circumcision
who they could eat with; what they could eat - law
And matters of leaders and Law still entangle us in the church system today
Paul says in Galatians 5 Stand firm in your freedom
and don't be entangled by bondage again
And I would encourage you to regain that freedom
and Stand firm in it