A Life Worthwhile

We easily entertain the thought……
Is my life worthwhile?
We are brought up to ensure that our life is worthwhile;
either in God's purposes ~ or in achieving our own goals.
But that is looking from a wrong perspective ....
and it causes us to be driven people.
Driven to prove that our life is productive, useful, & achieving.
But it's God's life   ~  He created us for His purposes.
To use us where He wants to in outworking His eternal plan.
To use us when He wants to in outworking His eternal plan.
We're in the hands of God & perpetual motion isn't necessary.
We don't have to justify our reason for living.
We need to settle into His plans, to rest in His purposes.
It's not about joining up to a church & its many activities.
It's about daily living kingdom life ~ with kingdom values
and godly responses to every person & every situation.
It's about a living relationship
& being conformed into His likeness
through our daily situations.
It’s about reflecting His character of grace;

humility; meekness & kindness
Not self~seeking and demanding our rights or fair treatment,
but seeking to serve sacrificially as Jesus did.
Seek to know His plan;  His eternal plan;
His season of the moment &  know where you fit into that
out of a living relationship with Him
