Hold fast to the revelation

I was reading in Luke 1 v 42 where it says
 Elizabeth (mother of John the Baptist)  said to Mary – 
You are blessed by God above all other women and your child is blessed. 
What an honour this is that the mother of my Lord should visit me!
How did Elizabeth know that Mary in her pregnancy was pregnant with Jesus, 
their Messiah   
surely it was only by revelation from God. 
And yet she believed it and spoke it out and ……….  
it was as she said.
 It came to pass  -  
Mary did give birth to the Son of God,
 the Jew’s Messiah.
And I was considering that – in the same way 
– we have seen by revelation 
that it is no longer the season for the church, 
the church system and the church hierarchy 
but God is moving in a new season of Kingdom and all that that means.   
And we need to hold fast to this revelation. 
Have confidence in it and not be swayed 
like so many are after a while thinking  -  
not much seems to be happening in this new season 
maybe I should look for a church again !!!  
We need to walk by faith and remain confident 
that we are living the purpose of God in our time 
because Hebrews 11 says that 
Faith – is the confident assurance
 that what we hope for is going to happen. 
It is the evidence of things that we cannot yet see.  
And for us we can’t yet see crowds of people 
leaving the churches to explore God’s new season of “Kingdom” 
but we need to remain there by faith  
seeing God’s times for His people in this season 
and being willing to be there.  
Pioneers for something new.  
