This is the beginning of a new age
The beginning of the age of the Kingdom
As the Church struggles to go forward it will struggle with man’s effort
But the Kingdom of God will grow and spread –
slowly, quietly and unseen
yet influencing many things
It will grow in strength as God pours His Spirit through the network
Unseen & silent to those who are blind
but ……..
powerful and strong as God’s favour
prospers the work of His hand.
And it will not be self-effort, toil & labour
raising up the proud & crushing the poor
but it will be a Kingdom where all things are equal
all people are equal
and through relationship – they will care for one another
lifting up one another
encouraging one another
And there will be a strength & a power that has not been seen for many years
Arise …… shine …….
for the light has come
The feet of the messenger are heard coming over the mountains as he brings the message of hope & a future
Like John the Baptist of old
Closing the door on an old order and …..
ushering in the new
And God’s glory will be seen in that place
God’s glory will be seen throughout the world
In a Kingdom of righteousness peace & joy