For those interested in exploring the journey of ....
an unstructured; non-organisational
non-institutional expression of church
John's book entitled
The Unleashed Church
is available from
and is well recommended
One endorsement in the book reads -
All across the world,
reflective souls are examining their church experience
and asking a simple question:
"What are we doing and why are we doing it?"
Like a clipper ship of old,
Like a clipper ship of old,
John Sweetman has sensed the breezes of the Holy Spirit
in the sails of his soul,
impelling him to leave the local church harbour
of comfortable, yet fruitless familiarity of form and function.
He shares with the reader his journey into the fresh
He shares with the reader his journey into the fresh
and uncharted territory of Christian life and church experience
where Christ is genuinely Lord,
and the Holy Spirit actually leads and guides:
a radical practicality.
I invite the weary and thirsty soul to drink from these pages.