Live in the largeness of God

Expect something different; Expect surprises from God
Expect the unexpected
Live in the 'unexpecteds' of Yahweh
See beyond the natural
Have expectation beyond the natural
Be bigger than the normal
Break out, break the mould, break free
Live outside the box - free to be blown by the Spirit
Free to live freely and lightly with unforced rhythms of grace
Live with a destiny; live with an inheritance
Live witha hope & a future
Know where your equipping comes from
Keep close contact with the author - the author of life
Drink deeply from the fountain of life
Feast richly from His abundant table
Feast on peace & life, love & delight
Feast on righteousness & power
Feast on wisdom & understanding
For Yahweh's table is laden with good things
to nourish, nurture & refresh
Yahweh of mystery, of the unexpected of surprises
Draw on His power; draw close to Him
Rest in His presence & see how it changes your life
