Challenged by the question
"If a moral, good-living non-christian asked you
in what way was your life different to theirs - how would you answer them"
and this would be my answer -
Because of my relationship with the Living God
I don't live at the mercy of my circumstances,
or at the mercy of my self.
I am secure in myself and have peace & confidence in life
because I know that someone greater than I is in control
I have hope and confidence and I know my future destiny
I am not unsettled by what goes on in the natural world
because I know there is more going on in the spiritual world
Because I have released my life to God and choose to come under the lordship of Christ
I know that I am part of an eternal plan and my life has eternal purpose
My values in life and my moral code for living are not changeable
and influenced by the times or the culture I live in
but they are stable and steadfast through the centuries
because they are based on the Creator's manual.
So what would your answer be, to that same question, I wonder
"If a moral, good-living non-christian asked you
in what way was your life different to theirs - how would you answer them"
and this would be my answer -
Because of my relationship with the Living God
I don't live at the mercy of my circumstances,
or at the mercy of my self.
I am secure in myself and have peace & confidence in life
because I know that someone greater than I is in control
I have hope and confidence and I know my future destiny
I am not unsettled by what goes on in the natural world
because I know there is more going on in the spiritual world
Because I have released my life to God and choose to come under the lordship of Christ
I know that I am part of an eternal plan and my life has eternal purpose
My values in life and my moral code for living are not changeable
and influenced by the times or the culture I live in
but they are stable and steadfast through the centuries
because they are based on the Creator's manual.
So what would your answer be, to that same question, I wonder