Good question ?
So whose yoke are you carrying ?
If everything seems a burden; a labour; a pressure and too much stress
whose yoke are you carrying ?
Jesus says in Matthew 11 - My yoke is easy and my burden is light !!
Does that sound like your experience ?
If it does then stick with it and continue to live in victory over the enemy
But if it doesn't consider two possibilities -
Either you are sharing the yoke with Jesus but there is something
amiss in your attitude
you're carrying your yoke not His
running with your own programme and agendas
ones that are put on you by yourself or others
but not by Him
Works done outside of His purposes weigh us down put us under pressure
and bring no eternal rewards
Like it says in 1 Cor 3 works done from our own agenda
or self effort will be burnt up like hay or straw at the end
Works done under His yoke will be rewarded with gold & silver
Don't put yourself under pressure with things that will go unrewarded
Carry the yoke with Him
Outwork His plans and His agenda
and know peace in your spirit
stillness in your soul
And eternal rewards being added to your kingdom inheritance