His Treasure

In Exodus 19:5 God says to the Israelites -
You will be my treasured possession
The treasured possession of God!!
And that is what we are
That is what I am
That is what you are
His treasured possession
Because He sold His Son into death to pay our ransom
That shows our value to God
Do you live from that place of being a treasured possession?
Does it influence how you feel and how you live?
Or do you need to receive it more deeply into your inner being?
The Israelites lost the reality of that position by so often turning away from God and turning to foreign idols
But we can lose the reality of it if we don't embrace it and receive it as a truth but rather allow the lies of the enemy to feed lies of rejection and unworthiness to us
Take up your true identity and live as God's treasured possession 😊
