Commandment to Love

Many preachers speak about "the great commission" in Matthew 28
Great Commission sounds very important. But who called it "the great commission"?   Jesus never did! Man put in that heading for that chapter just because he wanted to.
Jesus never called it a great commission.  Jesus just gave a message to His disciples saying  -  So I'm leaving you now and it would be good if you went far and wide sharing the message you have received from Me and making disciples. 
A simple message from Jesus.  And valuable.
But might I suggest that it is not as valuable as His Word in John 13 and John 15 where in both cases He says to His disciples -
"I command you"   That sounds quite important!!  I command you!!  I command you -   what?
Let's see 
John 13 v 33
Dear children, I will be with you only a little longer. 
So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other. 
Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples.”

He commands us to love each other  -  and not only once but twice - 

if you look at John 15 v 12
 This is my commandment: Love each other in the same way I have loved you. 

So - Church leaders like to emphasise what they call  "the great commission" 
But Jesus gave us a NEW COMMANDMENT  -  and He gave it twice because it was and is very important
LOVE one another   -   and then people will see something about you that is good and then you can tell them God's message of salvation and make disciples of them.
When they see love they will want to know more 
But when they see a Church that is corrupt, and full of divisions and seeking to take your money  -  that is not a message that they want to hear.
So ....... let us pay attention to the words of Jesus and let us show love to each and every person and see God's heart reflected to the world.
