Unity and one heart together

 In Genesis 11 when the people begin to build the Tower of Babel God says - 
If they have begun this as one people sharing a common language then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them!
Unity brought power and more but it was lost at Babel because God scattered them by confusing them with different languages.
But ......... through the death of Jesus, He opened the way for oneness and unity amongst His people of the kingdom and presumably that would mean that "nothing would be impossible" as we lived together in oneness and unity.
Sadly that is not the case - we don't see so many acts of power and other possibilities to see change in the kingdom because there is so much division amongst God's people due to denominations, doctrines theology etc. - all things of the mind whereas God works through the heart.
Jesus says, twice to His disciples in John's gospel - A new commandment I give to you, to love each other as I have loved you!! A new commandment directly from Jesus!
That is where we will find unity with others, but the enemy has distracted people from this one commandment that Jesus gave by highlighting the words
 "Go and make disciples".
This was not expressed as a commandment but as a quiet instruction.
But without love amongst the kingdom people what is the value of adding more numbers to our already divided churches.
The enemy has distracted us by appealing to our flesh. The making of disciples or evangelism satisfies our desire to be doing "good works" for God, for recognition, acclaim, prestige, ministry, titles a platform and even money for some paid workers.
But "love" as God loves is the tough one. It involves the heart, relationships, difficult people and right attitudes and lacks acclaim or recognition.
But ........ it is the foundation and the tool for all other things.
God wants people "born again" but He can do that without the help of man. In fact there are testimonies from a number of people finding God without another person being involved.
But the fullness and the overflow of love in His kingdom depends on each and every one of us living from a foundation of love in every situation.
So let your prayer be - Let my mind be shaped by love, let all my motivations be rooted in love let every situation and every person find love when they find me.
Don't be distracted by the lie of the enemy that evangelism is the priority.
Have the revelation of the truth that first and most important is that Jesus commanded Love one another as I have loved you 
