What is my experience?

"Knowing" things from the Bible is -
knowing things from someone else's experience
But we need to know and proclaim things from our own experience
David says - The Lord is my Shepherd, I have everything I need
And we gaily sing that Psalm as if it were true in our own lives
But for many it's not
When they face struggles or challenges they don't feel the presence of a caring Shepherd
They feel fear or anxiety
It is not truth for them yet
It's not their own experience
And yet they proclaim it as they sing
We claim He is the Prince of Peace
And yet when the storms of life rage if we easily lose our peace
Then it's not a truth for us
It is the same as we quote other verses and promises from the Bible
Until they have become our own experience then they are not a reality for us
Know what is truth for you
Seek to lay claim to all God's promises for yourself
They are available for us but we have to live them for ourselves
