Killing the Truth

John 8 v 37  Jesus says to the people
 And yet some of you are trying to kill me because
my message does not find a place in your hearts !!
and what is the parallel in our times?
We can’t literally kill Jesus but …….
He says, Himself,  I AM THE TRUTH
and how many of us are guilty of trying to “kill the truth”
because it does not find a place in our hearts or in our doctrine Like the Pharisees we can hold so fast to our traditions,
doctrines and “constructed truth” that we won’t let go
and receive God’s word of truth or revelation for today
Many of our truths and doctrines were “constructed”
to fit man’s own agenda especially man’s need for control
So …. We have regular gatherings, in assigned buildings
with appointed leaders who feel safe as they keep control

But God is speaking a word today that we need to respond to 
and let go of all the traditions that hold us back
