
Worship! so what is worship?
Rom 12:1 says

I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy,
to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God--
this is your spiritual act of worship.

So .... what is our understanding of worship ?
It doesn't seem to be singing songs and the like
from what we read in Romans 12

If worship is honouring God and declaring that
He is worthy of honour, praise and many other things
then I suggest that some of our attitudes and mindsets
are dishonouring to God
and therefore, the opposite of worship

For example - if we worry, fret or are anxious about life's issues
or the situations we find ourselves facing
then we are not trusting God in those things
and so we dishonour Him
Our anxiety says - I cannot trust You - therfore I'm worrying
and we dishonour Him in that way

So, conversely if we trust Him for our situations
and that is evident by our peace our inner rest and stillness
then we acknowledge He is worthy
and that is an act of worship
So worship is a lifestyle not a group activity
manifest in different ways for each of us
So identify what would be your acts of worship
having seen what attitudes or mindsets dishonour Him
And live a life of daily worship
