The Father's Heart

I believe the Father’s not looking for people who are willing to join another group
He’s looking for people who have heard His voice and are willing to walk with Him
Who have heard His heart for this new season and are willing to follow His voice
Into the unknown of walking step-by-step with Him
With no manifest evidence to validate or justify their walk
But willing to go, secure only in what He has said
People who live from daily revelation not from the crumbs of others
Or the traditions of the fathers
But fresh manna daily – vibrant, life-giving, full of truth & wisdom for today
People who are willing to be strangers constantly walking in new areas with Him
Dancing to the tune of His revelation not the plans or programmes of men
Who know themselves to be part of a bigger picture
One character in His story – not the main character in their own story
Living out of relationship, free from the bondage of law or religion
Living free from restriction, in a spacious place, feasting at the Father’s table,
drinking from the fountain of life
Knowing the abundant life, found in His presence,
Reflecting the Father’s glory & His character
People who have hearts to hear His mysteries and not to discard them through rationality
Who live in the largeness of God not in the narrowness of their own experience or thinking
Who receive, not by studying with the mind, but by impartation from the heart of God
Unlocking the hidden mysteries of God by the breath of the Spirit in their lives
