Receiving the Bread of Life

When we receive truth or manna from God
we sometimes want to keep hold of it
fully understand it
and work through it with our mind
concerned that within a week we may have forgotten it
because of other things that God has been showing us
But ...... consider what happens with natural food
we don't need to understand the workings of the digestive system
nutrition values or anything else
so long as we take in the food and absorb it
it does its work in a natural way without us fully grasping it
without us seeking to be involved in the application
In a similar way - as we receive truth or manna from God
If we receive it, believe it and by faith absorb it as life
then it will do its work within us
feeding our spirit and nurturing us
in a way we won't necessarily understand or be a part of
but then that's the bigness of God
