When the rubber hits the road

So - what happens when the rubber hits the road?
When the pressure is on how do you react ?
With worldly values or kingdom values?

Consider your own situation -
Who irritates you most at home?
who winds you up at work?
These are the telling situations -
Do you respond with grace and mercy - or do they get a tongue lashing
Do you give peace when they give trial
Do you give unconditional forgiveness when they give offence
Do you change the atmosphere or worsen the atmosphere
These are the gauges that show how much we are still living from the flesh
and how much we are living from the Spirit
But it's not for condemnation
It's for freedom
We can't change ourselves by self effort
But we can acknowledge to God
that we are willing to let Him do the work that is needed
to make us more like Christ and see Him do it
