Overcoming the spirit of the age

How can we be involved in spiritual warfare? How can we each be involved in overcoming the enemy on a daily basis ?
Simply by living from the opposite spirit and by living from the values of the kingdom and not the values of the world
Meaning ? - Defeat the spirit of materialism by not having a materialistic spirit yourself - being content with what you have and not always striving for more things or always wanting the newest or latest gadgets.
Defeat the spirit that breaks down families by building a stable and strong family yourself and fighting for your marriage when it seems under pressure rather than letting it go
Defeat the spirit of stress and pressure by refusing to live life at a frantic pace - keeping our inner being in a place of stillness and rest - by choice - stepping back when we feel the tension mounting until we have found that place of peace within ourselves
Defeat the spirit of pride by seeking the good of others in preference to self
Defeat the spirit of revenge by being ready to forgive - in all situations - it's never easy - it always hurts - it's a choice - a choice we need to make for our own peace of mind and for our freedom
So choose to crush the enemy by manifesting the opposite spirit and begin to see a change in the atmosphere around you.
