Let God Fight the Battles

Yes - let God "fight the battles" or "do the business" when other people are troubling you, causing you offence or being unfair/unjust - why?
because He does it so much better than us and without so many casualties.
It is something He spoke to me many years ago, but I have always remembered it and tried to live with it.
If we try and deal with things ourselves we so often find bad attitudes surfacing and also we don't know a person's history or where they are coming from; what they are dealing with from the past that makes them act as they do and all manner of other things - but God does !!
He knows just how to handle it for the best of everyone concerned.
All He wants us to do is to spend more time with Him - just enjoying being in His presence - so that He can take great delight in us, He can quiet us with His love and He can rejoice over us with singing ! (Zeph 3v14)
Are you willing to trust Him with your issues or will you continue to do it yourself - the choice as ever is yours to make - every time !!
